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The goal of satpoint is to allows users to automatically extract data from a netCDF file for a specific geographical area and to aide in the automatic processing of multiple netCDF files.


You can install the development version of satpoint from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

This should install all the dependencies required.


The package makes use of the existing ncdf4 package to open and extract data from netCDF files but tries to simplify the required interface for users, particularly where they are trying to extract data for a geographic area - which they will then average across.

For a full worked example of processing one or more netCDF files, please see the vignette("satpoint", package = "satpoint") for a fully worked example.

Collecting netCDF files for analysis

At present the package does not contain any functions that will download/collect netCDF files from any of the common data repositories. However, to assist users who are new to using R to work with this type of data we have put together the vignette("download-netcdf", package = "satpoint") to demonstrate how to download files from the NASA EARTHDATA data repository.

Final Words

This is a brand new package and is very much still in development. If you have any problems, or would like to see any additional functionality, please post an issue via github.