Extract all geographical coordinates of the nodes from a fvcom netCDF file and convert to simple features object.
Extract all geographical coordinates of the nodes from a fvcom netCDF file and convert to simple features object.
- nc_obj
Open fvcom netCDF file to retrieve time data from.
- orig_crs
Numerical value of the crs used in the netCDF file.
- crs
Numerical value of the crs to change results into, if different from the original crs.
- name_x
Name of the geographical x coordinate to be extracted. If not specified, an attempt will be made to establish this from the netCDF file itself.
- name_y
Name of the geographical y coordinate to be extracted. If not specified, an attempt will be made to establish this from the netCDF file itself.
Special features data frame containing the geographic coordinates of the nodes in the provided fcvom netCDF file.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# open the netCDF file
the_nc_obj <- ncdf4::nc_open("path/to/netCDF/file.nc")
# extract all spatial points from the netCDF file
extract_geos_fvcom(the_nc_obj, crs = 4326)
# if the names of the spatial coordindates aren't picked up automatically
extract_geos_fvcom(the_nc_obj, crs = 4326, name_x = "lon", name_y = "lat")
} # }